Technocom Systems

Object Oriented Programming Using C#

After completing this course, the students will be able to:

  • Explain features and phases of the object-oriented approach
  • Write and execute C# programs
  • Implement encapsulation in C# by using the various access specifiers
  • Identify and use operators including arithmetic, assignment, unary, comparison, and logical
  • Use decision-making constructs and loop constructs
  • Describe memory allocation
  • Implement structures, enumerations, arrays and collections
  • Identify the need for constructors and destructors
  • Implement polymorphism and overload functions and operators
  • Describe the various types of relationship such as inheritance, composition, utilization, and instantiation
  • Use various stream classes to implement file handling
  • Develop single and multithreaded applications
  • Explain and use delegates and events

eXtensible Markup Language

After completing this course, the students will be able to:

  • Identify the need for XML as a standard data interchange format
  • Create an XML schema
  • Declare attributes in an XML schema
  • Identify the need for XML namespaces
  • Reuse XML schema component
  • Create groups of elements and attributes in an XML schema
  • Use the sequence, group, choice, all, and attribute Group schema elements
  • Create a CSS document
  • Create an Extensible Style Sheet Language Transformation (XSLT) to format data

6460A Visual Studio 2008: Windows Presentation Foundation

After completing this course, the students will be able to:

  • Create a WPF application
  • Build a UI in a WPF application
  • Customize the appearance of a WPF application
  • Bind UI controls to data sources
  • Bind UI controls to collections
  • Create new controls in a WPF application
  • Manage documents in a WPF application
  • Add graphics and multimedia support to a WPF application
  • Configure and deploy WPF applications

Developing Data Centric Applications Using ADO.NET

After completing this course, the students will be able to:

  • Create and manage connections using ADO.NET
  • Identify the disconnected and connected environment in ADO.NET
  • Create datasets and data tables
  • Developing Web Applications Using ASP.NET

    After completing this course, the students will be able to:

  • Create, control access, and deploy a Web application
  • Manage the state for a Web application
  • Make Web applications available to mobile devices
  • Build dynamic Web applications
  • Optimize the performance of Web applications
  • Implement personalization and themes in Web applications
  • Build Web part pages and Web parts
  • Manipulate data using LINQ

    Web Appliacations using

    Program Contents:

    • Create user service
    • Consume and manipulate data using ADO.NET
    • Test and Debug an ASP.NET application
    • Create and manage components and .NET assemblies
    • Optimize an ASP.NET application
    • Create accessible Web application 
    • Create local Web applications 
    • Manage states of an ASP.NET application 
    • Configure and secure an ASP.NET application 
    • Deploy a Web application 

    For more details contact +91 932222153 & +91 9004779475


    Certification in JAVA programming

    Program Contents:

    • Describe the key language features and compile and run a Java technology application
    • Create programs using language syntactic elements, constructs, and  object-oriented paradig
    • Implement exception-handling and use collections application programming interface (API)
    • Create programs to read and write to files
    • Create event driven GUI using Swing
    • Create multithreaded Java applications
    • Develop Java client and server programs by using TCP/IP
    • Define the layers in JDBC architecture
    • Identify different types of JDBC drivers
    • Manage transactions and perform batch updates in JDBC
    • Create JDBC applications to access and query a database
    • Explain the architecture of UML
    • Create Class and Object diagrams
    • Identify the dynamic and static aspects of a system
    • Draw collaboration, sequence, state chart, activity diagrams
    • Identify software components of a system and draw component diagrams
    • Identify nodes in a system and draw deployment diagram